Monday, 25 August 2014

Top 8 @ Modern PTQ in Liverpool!

Every article I've read on Modern seems to say the same thing: learn your deck, learn the metagame, practice, practice. I guess I should just repeat that exact same thing because this has proven true for me. I picked up the Kiki Pod a few months ago and my results went from a mediocre 4-3-1 in Cardiff where I had barely any idea what to do with it, into 6-3 in Milton Keynes, 5-2 in Manchester and now an unbeaten swiss in Liverpool for my first PTQ top 8.

4 Misty Rainforest
3 Arid Mesa
4 Grove of the Burnwillows
2 Gavony Township
1 Temple Garden
1 Hallowed Fountain
1 Breeding Pool
1 Stomping Ground
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Steam Vents
2 Forest
1 Plains
1 Island

4 Birds of Paradise
3 Noble Hierarch
2 Wall of Roots
2 Voice of Resurgence
1 Scavenging Ooze
1 Qasali Pridemage
1 Phantasmal Image
1 Spellskite
2 Deceiver Exarch
1 Kitchen Finks
1 Courser of Kruphix
1 Izzet Staticaster
3 Restoration Angel
2 Murderous Redcap
1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
1 Glen Elendra Archmage
1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
1 Zealous Conscripts

2 Domri Rade
2 Path to Exile
4 Birthing Pod

2 Negate
2 Combust
1 Keranos, God of Storms
1 Thragtusk
1 Shatterstorm
1 Ancient Grudge
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Fiend Hunter
1 Eidolon of Rhetoric
1 Aven Mindcensor
1 Avalanche Riders
1 Fiery Justice
1 Thrun, the Last Troll

As far as the list goes I suppose I should explain some choices.
- 0 Chords of Calling & 2 Domri Rade: Given the shifting meta in the UK PTQs from a lot of Twin into a ton of GBx and Affinity I decided that Chords were simply too slow. Playing multiple Chords in Kiki Pod is also a choice which forces us to have a 3rd Wall of Roots and an Eternal Witness and both of these cards are mediocre on their own. In addition a removal heavy deck like Jund will not let you keep enough creatures to Chord for anything significant. In Melira Pod Chords are great because combo pieces start at 1 and finish at 3 for infinite life or 4 for damage, but here the combo starts at 3 and finishes at 5, so you'll need up to 8 mana to find the pieces. I just don't think it was justifiable at this moment for Liverpool.

- 2 Paths maindeck because in my experience they came in almost every game in all practice matches and previous events, so why not just start them maindeck?

- Izzet Staticaster maindeck... because it's one of the most useful cards out there. Staticaster + 2 Domri + 2 Redcaps have been successful at consistently killing Dark Confidants on T3 or T4 before they could get out of hand. Staticaster in addition is great against Affinity, destroys Infect on its own and of course gets rid of the Lingering Souls from Junk, while also killing Birds of Paradise and Noble Hierarchs in Pod and once in a while adding the extra point of damage post combat needed to kill an important creature. Overall one of the best performing cards in the deck.

- 1 Kiki Jiki because it's the worst card in the deck, even though it's necessary for combo. 3 red is not difficult to assemble and it's pretty consistent to cast it if I draw it. I also never want to see it in my opening hand.

- 1 Courser of Kruphix - this I've seen out there before but I wasn't sure about it until Joao convinced me to try it because it dodges Anger of the Gods and gains some life and with this manabase life management is a major part of every decision. Courser proved to be excellent.


Round 1: 2-0 vs Affinity
G1: This was a typical Kiki vs Affinity game. I was hit for 8 poison by Inkmoth Nexus on Turn 4, managed to get a blocker for the next attack and then managed to get the combo before dying. My opponent made a mistake tapping out with a removal in hand.

G2: I opened with 4 lands, Staticaster, Restoration Angel and Reclamation Sage. Sage destroyed a Cranial Plating, then got blinked on Opponent's turn to destroy an attacking Inkmoth Nexus. After that I drew a Qasali Pridemage, put him into play with 3 mana open. Opponent added an Arcbound Ravager to the board and passed with about 6 permanents in play, but only Ravager and another Inkmoth. I then attacked with Resto Angel with Exalted, followed by sacrificing Pridemage to kill Ravager. In response he sacrificed I think 3 Artifacts and then sacrificed the Ravager to put everything onto the Inkmoth, but in response to that I flashed a Staticaster and killed the Inkmoth before it got counters. Opponent conceded with very little in play.


Round 2: 2-0 vs Mono Red Burn
G1: It begun with me going 1st with Shockland + Noble Hierarch. He then plays Goblin Guide and reveals Kitchen Finks. I take 2, then I gain 2 back on the Finks. He then starts throwing Burn at me, but a Restoration Angel blinks Kitchen Finks, keeping me on 13 life. Opponent adds more creatures, but they can't get through and concedes.

G2: I went down to about 10 by 3rd turn, I then had a Scavenging Ooze enter the game and eat 1 a Hellspark Elemental. I left it on 1 counter and tapped out thinking that even if it dies, it will have taken 3 damage which isn't going in my face. Instead opponent passed, I added a Wall of Roots, attacked with a 3/3 and passed with 2 Green, so that I could eat a creature on his upkeep, getting hit by Skullcrack, but tapping his lands. Ooze then ate another thing on my turn and proceeded to quickly kill him.


Round 3: 2-1 vs Mono Red Burn
G1: I managed to get out a T2 Courser of Kruphix and thanks to its life gain everything else was history.

G2: I didn't really have any action and got burned out.

G3: This was one of the longest games I had on this tournament. I played a T2 Domri and started ticking up, then a Wall of Roots and later Kitchen Finks and started getting really flooded while attacking with Finks. Later on I got myself a Spellskite which quickly got destroyed by Wear/Tear and added Ooze and ate my Spellskite on his turn while he cast the deal 4/stop life gain spell, bringing me down to 2. I untapped, drew a blank and looked on my board. I only had 2 creatures that could attack, both had 3 power. I then looked at the lifesheet and asked to confirm if we're on 2 vs 12. Then it struck me that my Domri is at 7 - went to ultimate and attacked for 12 with him holding 2 cards in hand - both of them capable of killing me next turn.


Round 4: 1-1-1 vs Tarmo Twin
G1: I went 2nd, starting with Birds of Paradise + Spellskite. T3 he plays a Vendilion Clique, taking away my Redcap in a hand containing Redcap, Wall of Roots, Deceiver Exarch and Phantasmal Image I believe. On my T3 I play the Image making it into Clique, targetting him to see 2x Snapcaster, 1x Deceiver Exarch, 1x Cryptic Command and 1x land. I take his Cryptic. Afterwards I added a Wall of Roots and added Voice of Resurgence while keeping mana up for Deceiver in case I need to tap his Deceiver in response to Twin to buy myself a turn. Later finally got the Pod out and managed to Pod the Wall into Linvala, got another Angel and beat him down with it.

G2: It started with my opponent getting to his 3rd land, then getting a land destroyed by Avalanche Riders, adding a 3rd again, getting it destroyed by Restoration Angel, adding a 3rd, killing my Angel and playing Goyf... He then stays on 3 mana and a 4/5 Goyf for most of the game, beating me down with it. Finally I get a Pod down, but he clears my board with removal. Last turn of the game I'm on 2 and have a 4/5 Angel, 7 mana including a Gavony Township, Pod and drew a Reclamation Sage. Opponent is on 8 with a 4/5 Goyf, 4 cards in hand, he's tapped out. I took a while to decide what to do and figured out I couldn't combo off from the 3/4 drops because I needed either 1 more life or 1 more mana. I attacked with Conscripts, got Sage and Podded into Linvala who got tapped on his turn by Pestermite. After the match my opponent told me "You could have Podded the Angel into Conscripts, taken my Goyf, attacked me and activated Township - I then gain 1 to 9 from the Grove, but lose 9 from a 4/4 Conscripts and 5/6 Goyf" - I just didn't see that at the time.

G3: Started 5 minutes before time and ran out of time to finish.


Round 5: 2-0 vs Junk
G1: This is the match up that I specifically added a 2nd Redcap, 2 Domris and kept the Staticaster maindeck for. Game 1 I got a T2 Voice of Resurgence, he played a Dark Confidant, I then T3 attacked for 3, added Domri and killed the Confidant. He then got Lingering Souls, while I ticked Domri up, played a Staticaster to clear the Spirits and attacked with Voice again. Afterwards I drowned him with card advantage from Domri and from the fact he couldn't really play Souls or Confidants until dealing with Staticaster (and even then Confidant was a risk because of Domri).

G2: I kept a 1 lander on the draw with a Birds and a Noble Hierarch, after playing the bird he quickly Dismembers it on my turn. I miss on land 2nd turn and play Noble Hierarch, he then casts Lingering Souls T3. I start getting lands finally, adding Courser and later Redcap. Game progresses into a slaughterhouse on both sides and we end up with 0 creatures on his side and a Noble Hierarch on my with a Treetop Village on his end. He's on 1, I'm on about 15. He top decks an Ooze, brings himself back to 7 quickly. He starts attacking with the Ooze leaving Treetop Village on defense. For about 3 turns I had a Zealous Conscripts and a Staticaster in hand, which couldn't really do anything because stealing the Ooze would have just jammed into the Treetop Village and leave me with just a 3/3. I add a chump blocker, then blank. Finally opponent draws Lingering Souls. Attacks me, bringing me down to 4, then taps out for Souls + Flashback... Staticaster end of turn, Untap, Zealous Conscripts takes the Ooze. GG.


Round 6: 2-0 vs Affinity
G1: My T2 Staticaster takes out a Steel Overseer, then stops my opponent from attacking with his 2 Nexuses (Nexi?) and buys me enough time to take over the board.

G2: Again Staticaster does a lot of work, followed by Reclamation Sage and Resto Angel to take control.


Round 7: 2-0 vs Junk
G1: T1 Noble Hierarch into T2 Voice, into T3 attack with Voice, play Domri, kill Confidant, win by card advantage generated by Domri and Pod.
G2: This was similar, except it went on for a bit longer. Domri proved to be great again in this deck.


Round 8: Table 1 ID.

Total for the Swiss:
6 - 0 - 2 in matches
13 - 2 - 1 in games
Won 2 games from Combo and the rest was just beatdown.
2nd on tie breakers.

Quarter Final: 1-2 vs "Raven Jund" (let's just call it this way, because I still don't know what this deck can be described as. It plays standard Jund but with Raven's Crime and Life From the Loam instead of Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek. It then sides in a Young Pyromancer... At least that's what I saw).

G1: I mulled to 6 and kept 3 lands, Staticaster, Angel and Kiki Jiki. Didn't want to go to 5 because I knew my opponent played Jund and 5 card hand is as good as dead against it. Nothing happens for the first two turns on my side, then he plays and Ooze and Raven's Crimes me to discard a non-red land. End of his turn I flash a Staticaster and on my turn I try to hit the Ooze for 1 and then blink the Staticaster with Angel to hit him again but he bolts the Staticaster and then kills the Angel. Next turn I end of turn cast a Deceiver Exarch with 2 cards in hand. I have a Kiki Jiki and a Zealous Conscripts and he's tapped out. Drawing one of 6 remaining Fetches or 5 remaining red sources wins me the game with combo. Blank. I keep it in hand for the Raven's Crime and I add the Conscripts, taking his Ooze and dealing some damage.
He kills Conscripts. Blank. He kills Exarch. I draw a red source with no board, play it and Kiki Jiki only to then get it killed by another removal.

G2: It starts similarly, except his Raven's Crime + Life from the Loam discard pretty much my entire hand consisting of Kiki Jiki and Keranos just before I'm able to cast it. Luckily I get a Noble Hierarch and then find Pod to make it into Voice, then attack, Voice into Kitchen Finks and he concedes with no board and no hand.

G3: He plays a T2 Young Pyromancer and I have no way to kill it early. He then discards my hand hand with Raven's Crime and adds 5 tokens to the board. I flood out and by the time I find Pod there's nothing that can save me (even the Staticaster wouldn't have helped because he also had a Goyf and I was on 3. I also sideboarded the Staticaster because it didn't have enough of an impact as a top deck to keep in this particular match...)

The deck played well, can't complain. The Quarter Final could have been better, but I'm happy with Top 8 and a box of M15 with Nissa, Ajani, 2 Chords of Calling and 3 Pain Lands :) Staticaster, Domri and Courser have all performed far better than expected and I think they will have a permanent place in this deck at least for now.

Potential future changes to the deck:

-1 Forest, +1 Mountain or -1 Island, +1 Mountain - I'm not sure about this, I would have to do some maths. Right now I'm playing 16 Green Sources (9 plus 7 Fetches) and 14 Red (7 plus 7 Fetches). I think Island has been the least useful card in the deck, while getting access to another Fetchable red source without 2 life loss could be nice. Of course a Mountain sucks against Blood Moon.

-1 Wall of Roots, +1 Noble Hierarch - Wall of Roots is good with all the Flash creatures, so it's tricky. I do however like having quicker starts, so this might be a good swap.

-1 Fiend Hunter, +1 something? I'm not entirely sure what I would put in here. Maybe a 3rd Negate or a 2nd Kitchen Finks? Maybe a 3rd Voice of Resurgence or a 2nd Scavenging Ooze? Any ideas would be great...

Thanks for reading and thanks very much to everyone who lent me cards!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

5-2 @ PTQ Manchester

After going 6-3 with Kiki Pod at the Milton Keynes PTQ I noticed a few things which kept bothering me:
- The Metagame (at least in the UK) is full of combo hate, forcing me to sideboard out Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker in games 2 and 3 against GRx, Twin, UWR, Melira Pod and Affinity. At the same time these decks take up most of the meta.
- Other than disrupting the combo, most of the decks are rather fast at executing their gameplan and drawing a Kiki Jiki early means it's a dead card most of the time. Ultimately the plan is to assemble 3 red mana quickly anyway, so if it gets drawn later on it can be a topdeck game over.

Because of the above I decided to make some updates to the Kiki Pod list which I think may work in this metagame. A major change to the stock lists has been cutting down to just a single copy of Kiki Jiki in the deck - why play 2 if it's being moved out most of the time anyway? Clearly we don't want 2 in all those match ups.

The deck:
4 Misty Rainforest
3 Arid Mesa
4 Grove of the Burnwillows
2 Gavony Township
2 Forest
1 Plains
1 Island
1 Temple Garden
1 Breeding Pool
1 Hallowed Fountain
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Stomping Ground
1 Steam Vents

4 Birds of Paradise
3 Noble Hierarch
2 Wall of Roots
2 Voice of Resurgence
2 Scavenging Ooze
1 Spellskite
1 Qasali Pridemage
1 Phantasmal Image
2 Deceiver Exarch
2 Kitchen Finks
1 Izzet Staticaster
1 Eternal Witness
3 Restoration Angel
1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence
1 Thrun, the Last Troll
1 Murderous Redcap
1 Glen Elendra Archmage
1 Kiki Jiki, Mirror Breaker
1 Zealous Conscripts

4 Birthing Pod
2 Chord of Calling

2 Path to Exile
2 Combust
2 Negate
1 Thragtusk
1 Obstinate Baloth
1 Aven Mindcensor
1 Avalanche Riders
1 Keranos, God of Storms
1 Reclamation Sage
1 Fiend Hunter
1 Eidolon of Rhetoric
1 Linvala, Keeper of Silence

One thing I have always been missing in all Kiki Pod related articles has been a definitive list of what can you go off from. Of course if you have an Exarch and a 4 drop you get Kiki, or if you have an Exarch and a 1 drop you go off by getting Phantasmal Image, into Angel, into Kiki. But what I'm talking about is a table which identifies exactly what is required and how many steps you need (ie. how much life or mana it will cost you). So in my preparation for the PTQs this is what I made:


We Have (CC)
Chain Sequence
4CC Persist
4 into Conscript
4 into Kiki
1 + 1

1 + 2
2 into Exarch
1 into Image
Image Image into Angel
Angel into Kiki
1 + Exarch
1 into Image
Image into Angel
Angel into Kiki
1 + 3 (non-Exarch)

1 + 4 (non-Persist 4)

2 + 2
2 into Exarch
2 into Exarch
Exarch into Angel
Angel into Kiki
2 + Exarch
2 into Exarch
Exarch into Angel
Angel into Kiki
2 + 3 (non-Exarch)
2 Into Exarch
3 into Angel
Angel into Kiki
2 + 4
2 into Exarch
4 into Kiki
3 + Exarch
3 into Angel
Angel into Kiki
3 + 3 (Non Exarch)

3 + 4
4 into Conscripts
3 into Angel
Angel into Kiki
4 + 4 (Angel)
4 into Kiki
4 + 4 (Non Angel)
4 into Conscripts
4 into Kiki

To explain:
- CMC column means we have for example a 1 drop and a 4 drop, or a 2 drop and a Deceiver Exarch.
- Steps column tells us how many times we have to Pod in the turn to be able to go off
- Chain sequence tells us what we do to go off. Whenever podding into Exarch or Conscripts is mentioned it implies that the Exarch/Conscripts then untaps the Pod. Whenever Podding into Angel appears it means it blinks the Exarch, in turn untapping the Pod again.

You can go off over a number of turns, but this explains what you need with your Pod to go off exactly THIS turn.

It also gives you information which you can memorise and not waste time thinking about it during the game:
3+3 (Non Exarchs) CAN'T GO OFF
Neither can 1+1, 1+3 (Non Exarch) or 1+4.
What that means is that you have an option to go off in every other situation if you have 2 creatures. That's cool to know!

The reason for playing 2 copies of Exarch is so that this chain is still viable after your first Exarch died by making your 2 drop into a 4 drop when you needed it early in the game.


Round 1: 0-2 vs Jund
Game 1: I was on the draw with a hand containing 1 Fetch, Birds of Paradise, Pod and I believe Finks, Angel and another card. I got Thoughtseized, taking the Birds, top decked another Birds and never found a 2nd land.
Game 2: I got useless 7, went to 6 containing Noble Hierarch, Birds, Pod, Angel, Finks, Hallowed Fountain and Sacred Foundry. I thought about keeping it, but on the play I have no action turns 1 and 2 and I figured with 16 green sources I have about 30% to get a green on T2 and about 50% by T3, meaning that I am not very likely to play Birds or Noble and the rest might be too late... I took a Mulligan to find a hand of 5 with no lands. Went to 4 to get 3 lands and Birds and get flooded out.

Variance happens, moving on.

Round 2: 2-0 vs Affinity
Game 1: I was on the draw again with a decent keep. Opponent opens with Land into Vault Skirge and Mox Opal, so not too scary. I go Fetch Forest, Birds. T2 I get hit by Skirge and Ornithopter gets added to the board with another land. I played T2 Pod. T3 opponent gets a Cranial Plating and starts heavy beating. I get a 2 drop which gets Podded straight into Redcap, killing the Skirge. Plating goes on the Ornithopter, but leaves me on 2 life, so I fetch down to 1 and Pod Redcap into combo.
Game 2: It played out similarly, except this time I wasn't able to go off straight from Redcap because of mana constraints, so I Podded into Kiki who then created a Birds Token to block a flying Cranial Plating. Opponent destroyed my Pod, but I had an Angel in hand from the start.


Round 3: 2-1 vs Kiki Pod
Game 1: I opened with Birds into Wall of Roots against Birds into Fiend Hunter taking Wall of Roots. I then had Kitchen Finks and wanted to gain life with Angel only for him to Angel bounce his Fiend Hunter to take away my Angel instead. My Redcap killed his Birds and he was left with no 1 or 2 drops, just Angel and Fiend Hunter. He then could have gone off with Angel->Conscript, Fiend->Angel->Kiki but it seem he missed it, instead opting to get just Kiki Jiki and copying Fiend Hunter to EoT to take away my Redcap for the next turn (it doesn't make sense, as Redcap will come back end of my Turn and kill Kiki...), but I untapped and played a Zealous Conscripts to steal his Kiki and win the game this way.
Game 2: This was a crazy game where I drew 2 Paths to Exile, got rid of Linvala, then he started a Pod Chain into Kiki which I stopped with my 2nd Path, I drew a Pod, made a chain into combo which he stopped with his Path and then he re-comboed from there without me having any response.
Game 3: I flooded the board with 2 Noble Hierarchs, Birds, Wall of Roots, other little stuff and played a Gavony Township for a turn 4 surrender. 


Round 4: 2-1 vs Jund
Game 1: I again went second (4th time), but managed to get early action with Birds, then tapped his Land with an Exarch to gain tempo and deny T3 Liliana, killed his T2 Dark Confidant with my T3 Redcap and added Thrun to the board for beatdown win.
Game 2: I drew a 7 with 1 land, 2 Birds, Nole Hierarch, Pod and 2 other non-land cards. I missed a land draw, played Birds which got bolted. T2 he got a Dark Confidant, I played a Bird number 2 and on his turn it got bolted again. T3 I missed a land again, played a Noble Hierarch only to get a Slaughter Pact on it. When I finally got a land I played a Voice of Resurgence which was killed by Liliana.
Game 3: Turn 2 Pod, he plays T2 Confidant, my Turn 3 I play Witness, returning a Fetch to hand, fetching for a land and Podding Witness into Redcap to kill Confidant. T3 he plays a Goyf and a tapped land, meaning that I win unless he has a Slaughter Pact... after thinking about what happens if I don't combo and where that leaves me I decide it's best to try the combo.


Round 5: 2-0 vs Kiki Pod
Before this match I heard Joao just lost to a Kiki Pod (he was on 2-1, so the opponent will be on 3-1 too). When describing the match to me he mentioned the "she did xyz". When I saw my opponent was a girl I looked around and I felt fairly certain I'm playing vs Kiki Pod and because of that I decided to keep a hand that would be tough to keep on the play in other match ups:
Game 1: I was on the play with 1 land, Birds and Wall of Roots, Linvala, Thrun, Chord of Calling and Restoration Angel. Given it's probably Kiki Pod that's an easy keep. I was right and quickly made it into combo-safety of Linvala. Later got Spellskite, Resto and when the time was right I Chorded for Kiki Jiki with Spellskite backup (some Kiki lists play removal maindeck...)
Game 2: I started with T2 voice, T4 Linvala, then went into a creature heavy match (6+ on each side) with no Pods, featuring a 6/6 Voice Toke, Linvala, double-exalted Birds of Paradise beatdown and other slow grindy creatures. I managed to overcome it thanks to the Token. Had a Combust in hand all game as a safety measure.


Round 6: 2-1 vs Kiki Pod (How many Kiki Pods can you play in a day?!?!)
Game 1: I got a quick Pod and a lot of mana and opponent conceeded on his T3.
Game 2: I managed to get Linvala out on T3, but my opponent had a perfect hand which let him to Path Linvala end of my T4, then cast a Restoration Angel still EoT and hardcast Kiki Jiki his turn. Nothing I could do.
Game 3: Kiki Pod sometimes suffers to coloured mana issues (there's a reason very few cards have double mana symbols in them...) and I exploited this by playing T3 Avalanche Riders, then T4 Restoration Angel in response to Echo and a couple of turns later top decked Kiki Jiki.


Round 7: 0-2 vs BG Rock
Game 1: Opponent had it all... Dark Confidant into Liliana into... 3 Tarmogoyfs by T6 or something silly like that.
Game 2: I drew a discard-proof hand of 2 pods and 5 lands on the play, kept it. Then I got Keranos. T3 opponent plays Liliana, I discard 1 Pod, play Pod T4 which gets Mealstrom Pulsed, I play Keranos T5 with a third Pod and a Redcap in hand... feeling good about this, as there's no pressure from my opponent. Liliana ticks up and I... discard the Redcap, even though there is Grafdigger's Cage in play... so I completely missed the fact that it was played a few turns earlier and it was just lying there on the side. I should have discarded Pod, then Keranos + Redcap would have killed Liliana. Instead I discard Redcap, play Pod. Opponent with 0 cards top decks a Dark Confidant. I reveal a land and draw a Wall of Roots which I quickly play and Pod into Izzet Staticaster to kill the Dark Confidant, only to be stopped by a Judge standing next to the table (even my opponent missed that Cage) and get a warning. Opponent topdecks a 6/7 Tarmogoyf and a Scavenging Ooze. I reveal a Kiki Jiki, bolting Confidant, play Kiki and... die.

5-2 drop (had to run for a train and without contention for top 8 I didn't want to pay for a hotel for the night).


Future changes to the deck:
BGx is a major played in the metagame and seems to be the 'bad guy' one has to beat to be able to get anywhere, so I think it's fair to say it's time to drop the mana curve down, as with the amount of spot Removal, BGr gets to kill mana dorks and build advantage over time. I think Richmond GP winning list could win because meta was heavy in Melira, Zoo and other non-rock decks, making it easier for mana dorks to stay around and accelerate. Because of that stuff to consider:
- Adding Domri Rade in place of Chords.
Chords come out on the draw in almost every game and are kept on the play and 2 Walls of Roots (unlike 3 in the Richmond GP winning deck) Chords are just not as good. Domri acts as card advantage against everything and as situational removal against annoying stuff like Confidants. Besides, the ultimate just means game over.

I noticed Jacob Wilson played 2 Redcaps in his PT BNG deck and I think this is an option. 2nd Redcap instead of 3rd Angel. Possibly moving the Angel into the Sideboard?

Kitchen Finks are mediocre in this deck and since the mana curve is still a bit high, I think 4th Noble Hierarch should take that place. This is especially given how much Jund likes to use bolts on the mana creatures.

Three sideboard cards that didn't perform well are Thragtusk (too slow and not enough impact), Obstinate Baloth (only advantage is having it in hand at the right time and it just happens too rarely) and Linvala (it's too rare you need a 2nd one, as by that time you can probably assemble the combo yourself). I think switching that to 1x Ancient Grudge, 1x Shatterstorm and 1x Fiery Justice would make sense. I got rid of the above 3 because the Staticaster and Redcap have proven to be great against Affinity, but having more hate there will improve the match a lot.